Thursday, April 8, 2010

Australian Defence Force National Australian Football Championships [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Department of Defence Media Mail List

MSPA 100/10 Friday, 9 April 2010

Australian Defence Force National Australian Football Championships

What: 2010 Australian Services Australian Football Association (ASAFA)
National Championships.

Why: The championship games will determine the Australian Defence
Force (ADF) national champion men's and women's teams, with Navy the
defending champion in both arenas.

The national carnival also provides the pool of players for
selection in the ADF Men's and Women's All Stars teams, with the ADF
Men's All Stars to play against a Combined Emergency Services team, as
part of a Services Challenge in Adelaide on the Anzac Day weekend.

Where: Whitten Oval
417 Barkly Street, Footscray West, Melbourne

When: The draw is:
Game 1: 14 April - Whitten Oval
1300: Women - Army v RAAF
1500: Men - Army v RAAF

Game 2: 16 April - Whitten Oval
1200: Women - Navy v First game loser
1415: Men - Navy v First game loser

Game 3: 18 April - Whitten Oval
1100: Women - Navy v First game winner
1315: Men - Navy v First game winner

Who: Players and officials will be available for interview in the
lead-up and during the championships. Photo editors are welcome to send
a photographer.

Media note:
The ASAFA National Championship is the major event for Navy, Army and
Air Force footballers and provides an opportunity for players to
represent their respective Service and the ADF. Spirited and fair
competition is the hallmark of the championship and spectators are more
than welcome to witness the high-quality action.

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664


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Posted via email from tayls81's posterous

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Handheld Cellphone Bans Don't Reduce Car Crashes After All [Driving]

Unfortunately, the answer will be to up Policing

30 January 2010 5:31
by Brian Barrett

Handheld Cellphone Bans Don't Reduce Car Crashes After All [Driving]

According to a study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, hand-held phone bans have no effect on the frequency of car crashes. Wait, what?

Now, this seems different from specifically texting while driving, which is demonstrably dangerous. But in the four states the IIHS studied, the implementation of a ban on hand-held phones behind the wheel made no difference in the number of accidents:

Month-to-month fluctuations in rates of collision claims in jurisdictions with bans didn't change from before to after the laws were enacted. Nor did the patterns change in comparison with trends in jurisdictions that didn't have such laws.

Honestly, this makes some sense, given that it's not phones themselves that are the problem, but the distraction they cause. There are plenty of other legal methods of taking your eyes off the road, and a hands-free conversation isn't necessarily any safer than one where you've got your phone in your hand.

It's unlikely that this will cause any states with bans of cellphone use while driving to backtrack, but it may force other local governments to look a little more broadly at what's behind all those collisions. [NY Times via IIHS]

Driving Bans Cellphones Laws Legal Studies

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Posted via email from tayls81's posterous

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

‘Legs Tight, Butt Tight, Breathe!’ Inside an Air Force Centrifuge

starWired: Danger Room
27 January 2010 5:29
by Noah Shachtman

‘Legs Tight, Butt Tight, Breathe!’ Inside an Air Force Centrifuge

Reason # 6,247,568,657 why I will never become an Air Force pilot: There’s no freaking way I could pull 7 Gs. Watch these wannabe dogfighters give it a try at the centrifuge at Randolph Air Force Base. The fun starts about 1:55 in.

Air Force Randolph AFB Video Fix

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